Admission Policy

Admissions are based purely on merit

Applicants should possess following criteria for admission:

  • Applicants should have cleared Grade 8 with 75% marks for IGCSE.
  • Applicants should have passed Grade 7 with 75% marks for admission in Class 8th.
  • Applicants should have passed pre-9th / Class 8th with 75% for admission in Matric ( Pure Sci, Computer Sci)
  • Applicants should have passed Matric/ O-level exam with 75% marks for FSc. Pre-Engineering and Pre- Medical, ICS and FA.
  • Admission may also be granted to students who has completed their 10 years of education abroad and want to continue in FSc. Part-I.
  • Applicants should have passed entry test.

Continuity of admission is subject to fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • Students should abide by rules and regulations of KCW.
  • Students should be punctual in classes (minimum 75% attendance)
  • Students should be punctual in daily congregational prayers ( for boarders)
  • Student’s academic percentage should exceed 70% marks
After submission of admission form students who fulfill the criteria will be given schedule for written test, Students who pass entry test will be called for interview along with their parents.

Entry Test Result:

Result will be uploaded on KCW website / facebook and College Notice Board.


Interview of the candidate and her parents is compulsory.

Entry Test weightage is 60% and weightage of the interview of the candidate and her parents is 40 % for calculation of merit. Admission will be granted to those candidates who qualify test and interview.

Merit list will be uploaded on College`s Notice Board.

Subjects In FSc.

Compulsory Subjects

  • English
  • Islamic Studies/Pakistan Studies
  • Urdu

Elective Groups


  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics


  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Physics


  • Computer
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • F.A.

    • Education
    • Sociology
    • Home Economics
    • Islamic Subjects

      Following subjects are compulsory for IGCSE,O-LEVEL and F. Sc. students

      • Ahkam /Islamic Laws
      • Aqaid/Beliefs
      • Arabic
      • Quranic Research
      • Oratory
      • NOTE:

        We offer limited number of seats in all the fields to ensure quality education.

        The field of Islamic Sciences is mandatory. Examination of Islamic subjects will be held through Jamia Al- Kauthar and Diploma Certificate will be granted at the successful completion of the courses.

How To Apply

  1. Get Prospectus and admission form from KCW Office.
  2. Admission form and fee structure is available on the web site.
  3. Read the Prospectus thoroughly.
  4. Parents and the prospective student are welcomed to visit college and hostel, the visiting time is 9:00 am to 2: 00 pm from Monday to Saturday.
  5. By hand return of admission form is compulsory. The form must be submitted along all the documents.
  6. Admission will stand cancel in case of incomplete documents and admission form.
  7. Get Entry slip for test.8- Entry Slip for test will be issued to you on your return of admission form.
  8. All candidates should bring the original Entry Test Slip on Test Day.
  9. No candidate would enter the Test Center without original Entry Test Slip.
  10. Time for the Entry test is 9:00 – 12:00.
  11. No- gadgets, mobile phone, camera are allowed in entry test centers.
  12. Only those students along Parents will be called for interview who qualify the Entry Test.

No Entry test slips will be issued without submission of admission form along complete documents

KCW Entry Test

Admission will be granted on the basis of Admission Test (Entry Test)

Entry Test will be from the following subjects.

For FSc Pre medical

Subjects: Physics , Chemistry , Biology, English, Urdu Islamiat, IQ

For FSc. Pre- Engineering

Subjects : Physics , Chemistry, Maths, English, Urdu, Islamiat, IQ


Subjects : Physics , Maths, Computer Science, English, Urdu Islamiat, IQ

For FA

Subjects : English, Urdu, Islamiat, IQ


Basic conceptual understanding of student will be tested in the entry test

Subjects: English, General Science, Maths, Urdu, Islamiat, IQ.

Foundation to IGCSE

Time of Test Entry Test Will be of 3 hours. : Only qualifying students will be called for interview along with parents.


The fees given above are subject to revision whenever considered necessary.

Method of fee deposit: - Fee can be, Cheque, bank draft in name of "Kauthar institute for higher education Islamabad" OR online transfer to Bank Al Habib ACCOUNT # 0004-0081-051124-01-2. A copy of deposit Slip email to college on 

[email protected] or [email protected].

Late Payment of Fees

If dues are not received within due date, the students will be fine at the rate of Rs. 100/- per day if fee deposited after deadline and from 18th student will not be allowed to sit in a class.. Thereafter, the defaulters are liable to be withdrawn from the College.

Terms & Condition:

  1. Only Quarterly Fee is acceptable.
  2. Only Security Deposit is refundable.
  3. Fee will be received for whole year.
  4. Uniform & crockery shall be purchased from college administration. These are not included in the fee.
  5. The fees given above are subject to revision whenever considered necessary.
  6. In case of withdrawal from college, student can get their fee refunded within a period.
  7. If dues are not received within due date, the students will be fined at the rate of Rs. 100/- per day if fee deposited after deadline and from 18th student will not be allowed to sit in a class.. Thereafter, the defaulters are liable to be withdrawn from the College.
  8. If student get admission as boarding student, she may change her status boarding to day scholar within a month from date of Admission. After one month if student become a Day Scholar her fee will be Rs 10,000/- P.M.
  9. College can arrange tuition teacher for students on payment.
  10. In case of Serious Health Issue college will facilitate student to get emergency treatment. However, Doctor & Medicine are available in daily routine.
  11. College can facilitate Boarding & Day Scholars students for Pick & Drop on payment.
  12. Parents can deposit amount to college Bank account on account of Pocket Money, which will be given to student once bank deposit slip is received.
  13. Sponsorship student must maintain their required percentage, failing which cause cancellation of sponsorship.
  14. IGCSE/O-Level student must pay Cambridge Examination & Registration Fee.
  15. If a student changes her course discipline, administrative charges will be charged.
  16. Student will not be issued any Degree/Certificate if her dues are not clear.
  17. Fee structure is different for conditional students.
  18. 10% discount will be given to two sisters who get admission.

    In case of withdrawal from college, student can get their fee refund in the following pattern:

    Sr. Timeline for Refund of Compulsory Fees Refund(%)
    1- Up to7 days from the date of admission 100
    2- Within 8 to 15 days from the date of admission 50

    Above 16 days from the date of admission 0

    Procedure for Fee Deposit

    Fee must be deposited before 10th of each quarter month.
    Fee must be deposited into College bank account

    Account title: Account Title= Kauthar  Educational  Trust

    Account Number = 6-02-68-20614-714-148079

    Habib MetroPolitan Bank I-10, Islamabad.


    Fee would not be considered deposited unless the scanned copy of bank`s deposit slip will not be e-mailed to Accounts Officer on the e-mail address within 24 hours of deposit.

    E-mail address: [email protected].

    Late Fees

    If dues are not deposited by 10th of each quarter month students will be fined at the rate of Rs. 100 per day up to 17th of the quarter month. If the student failed to deposit the fee up to 18th of the quarter month student will not be allowed to attend the class. Thereafter, the defaulters are liable to be withdrawn from the College.

    Fee would not be considered deposited unless the scanned copy of bank`s deposit slip will not be e-mailed to Accounts Officer on the e-mail address within 24 hours of deposit.

    E-mail address: [email protected].